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How to Get Involved


Membership in the Republican Party of Door County is open to all eligible voters who believe in the principles of Republicanism.


Donations are a crucial part of our efforts to help us advocate and get the word out about what we do and what we stand for.


Consider volunteering! We are always looking for motivated volunteers to assist us at parades, event booths and campaign efforts.



*coming soon

Membership in the Republican Party of Door County is open to all eligible voters who believe in the principles of Republicanism. The membership year is from July 1 to June 30.  Important note--the only way to be officially recognized by the state as part of the Republican Party is through membership with your local county party.


Membership includes:

  • Guaranteed access and notification of events throughout the year (including events with candidates and elected officials)

  • The opportunity to serve on our executive committee and/or as a delegate to our district caucus and state convention

  • Voting rights at our county caucus

  • Taking part in meetings throughout the year 

  • Receiving email updates from the county party. 


Your dues go towards our headquarters (during major election years), our annual fair booth, putting on events, Republican campaigns and messaging/advertising  to help elect Republican candidates up and down the ballot, and other functions needed to help our party be successful. 


Dues are $25 annually, $15 annually for associate members (who live outside of the county). 

*coming soon


As a volunteer organization our success is based upon all of the amazing volunteers who selflessly give of their time and energy to fight for and defend our God-given rights and conservative values.  

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Help with events/fundraising 

  • Make calls or knock on doors/do literature drops

  • March/ride in parades with our float

  • Help put up signs

  • Help with our website/social media

  • Write letters to the editor

  • Help with advertising

  • Become an election worker or poll watcher

  • Help man our annual fair booth

  • Help at our campaign headquarters in major election years

  • Help recruit/aid candidates for local office

  • Become a delegate to our county and district caucus and state convention

  • Serve on our executive committee. 

Join our Mailing List

Subscribe to get information on recent campaign or legislative news and upcoming events.

Thanks for submitting!

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