Go to radicalsusan.com to find out just how radical Supreme Court candidate
Susan Crawford is. She's not right for WI
February 18th Primary & April 1 General
Election Info
Go to myvote.wi.gov for voting info (registration, polling location, early voting hours, etc.)
Early in person voting runs from February 4th - February 14th.

Websites and Articles
Brad Schimel Website: https://schimelforjustice.com/
Brittany Kinser Website: https://kinserforwikids.com/
Susan Crawford: Bad for Wisconsin
How Democrats Plan To Use Wisconsin’s Supreme Court Election To Rig The 2026 Midterms
Brittany Kinser Slams MPS, DPI for ‘Gross Mismanagement’ After Lead Discovery
Click HERE for updates on the
Republican Party's election integrity efforts
Click HERE to help us fight for election integrity by becoming a poll observer or helping out in other ways!
Besides being a poll observer, in the odd numbered years we submit lists of poll workers to municipalities in each county. In Wisconsin, running elections is the responsibility of both political parties. Every two years, each party is allowed to submit a list of their poll workers to each municipal clerk, and the clerk is required by law to use the names on that list. Poll Workers are still the first line of defense for fair elections! We each need to do our part to make sure our elections are secure.

A message from RPW Chairman Brian Schimming on early voting:
Why now? It’s simple: the law is on the books, and we can’t keep going into Election Day 200,000 votes down — and expect to make it up within 13 hours. An important statistic: we’ve had 11 statewide elections in the last 23 years that have been decided by 30,000 votes or less. Over the years, and certainly more so since the pandemic, people of all political stripes have adjusted toward voting early – and we need to have an effective, safe, and secure EV program to increase our numbers and win.
Even the Democrats have taken notice of RPW's growing effort. They know that when Republicans not only vote on Election Day, but maximize our early vote, the math doesn’t come out in their favor. The state Democratic Chairman said, “for a number of elections we’ve had this unusual advantage where the Republican Party was intentionally leaving tools on the table…Republicans are getting their act together.”
It’s a comprehensive effort: persuasion on the front end, voter registration, pushing early vote, “ballot chase,” — our efforts will include multiple methods including doors, email, calls, texts, social media digital efforts, among them — to maximize turnout.
The good news: we know how to do this, but it needs to be expanded dramatically to be candid. Why? Every nickel, dime, and dollar we can save by convincing “our voters” to vote early allows us to reallocate dollars to turning out “mid” or “low propensity,” independent, and “new” voters. It’s about growing and expanding our conservative base. This includes outreach and contacting communities large and small, senior centers, campuses, tech colleges, wherever voters may be – meeting them where they are.
The fact is, we know how to do this right, and have shown it in races like Ron Johnson’s hard-fought reelection. And thanks to our work together, Republicans had the highest off-year conservative voter turnout in the state’s 169-year history this past Spring.
The rollout naming Wisconsin the first state went really well. Some of the coverage can be seen here:
Center Square, Benjamin Yount: Republicans embrace early voting in Wisconsin, Democrats snicker
Wisconsin Daily Star, Matt Kittle: RNC, Wisconsin Republican Party Launching "Bank Your Vote" Early Voting Campaign
WisPolitics, Kate Morton: RNC taps Wisconsin for first early voting initiative
We're continuing our crucial Election Integrity and legal efforts as well. The RPW scored a number of legal victories in court throughout the last two years: banning drop boxes and ensuring "indefinitely confined" is not misused by big city Dem clerks, to name a few. And just a few weeks ago, the Democrat Green Bay clerk, who we went to court and obtained an injunction against when our poll watchers were blocked from observing voting processes, now backed down from going to a September trial to fight us. We'll expand our on-site presence with volunteers, staff, and attorneys to ensure the law is followed. Not sometimes, but every single time.
Ballot Security: We are expanding our ballot security operation as well. We successfully grew the number of GOP "Poll Workers" from 1,000 to 5,000 last year – a record-breaking 500% increase! And this year, I'm looking to recruit even more poll workers to ensure there are even more eyes throughout our election. In addition to covering the whole state, we'll be able to focus on known "hot spots."
And about "Poll Watchers:" We know how to reach out and mobilize fast. We must have GOP "Eyes on the Prize" at every voting location in Wisconsin. For the last election, we deployed 46 field people in ten days, recruited 4,200 volunteers, and had 1.5 million contacts. With our already established 72 counties' networks and coalition allies, we can do what it takes to ensure every step of the voting and counting process is observed.
This is a broad overview of what's to come. We need all hands on deck for statewide success. That's why we're doing it. It's why Ron Johnson and our state leadership are asking for your help in our expanded effort.”